Shawn Rogers highlights the rise of the "data citizen" and data solos being replaced by a new world of analytics orchestrated by many. Just a word of caution.

An orchestra can play on for some time without a conductor- anyone remember Andre Previn, The LSO & Morecambe & Wise?

"All the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order"

It is wise to deploy a scalable and secure BI platform that incorporates self-service BI & Analytics in this secure schema. Better still, rather than insights and analytics in separate tabs or standalone- embedded in the very context of the key tasks and activities every individual is working on i.e. in enterprise applications.

Then you not only orchestrate an analytic piece for all players from the front-line operative to the data scientist in her rarefied models and algorithms. You bring out the rich counterpoints of metadata, machine learning, IoT sensors and human BI.